Expectations & Requirements

Payments & Rates
Sick & Personal Days
At times you may choose to keep your child at home, due to symptoms of illness, special family outings, etc. You will be charged for such days, regardless, as we must provide adequate staffing to accommodate all children regularly scheduled to use our services that day.
Maternity / Summer Schedules
Should your family needs include an extended leave, families will be charged for one full day of care during that time period. This will reserve your child’s spot in their class. Families may elect to not pay the one day’s fee at the risk of that spot no longer being available. If space is available upon return, an additional Registration fee will be assessed.
Payment is still due for any holidays the fall within your normal schedule. Please refer to our holiday schedule.
Emergency Closings
Families will not be charged on days that PCDC is closed for inclement weather, low enrollment, lack of utilities and the like. Pandemic amendments will apply when necessary.
Additional Days
If you need to add a day to your normal schedule, we will be happy to assist as long as there is room in your child’s room that day. Please contact the office to determine if there is room for your child. The rate for that week will be your child’s normal weekly rate plus the one-day rate for the additional day your child will attend that week.
Registration fees are not refundable. Fees are assessed based on the number of days per week for which you have agreed. Refunds are not given for days that your child is not in attendance due to sickness, family vacations, doctor appointments and the like.
Termination of Enrollment
If you find that PCDC no longer meets your needs, a two-week written notice will be required. Your regular weekly fee will be assessed, regardless of whether your child(ren) are in attendance during this two-week period. Payments for these final two weeks must be paid by credit card or a bank account debit. Families leave in good standing, if their account is paid in full prior to the final day.