Pilgrim Child Development Center
"Train a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Prov 2.6

Welcome to PCDC
Our mission is to provide a loving environment that promotes Christian values as well as physical, social, emotional, and academic growth. Our program provides a nurturing environment and educational experiences that allow the children hands on learning through play and exploration. Our staff is dedicated to each child in their classrooms and intentionally plans according to development. Communication is important to us and we appreciate daily family interactions. I look forward to hearing from you and assisting you and the needs of your family.

Addressing the ever-changing needs of your child as they grow

Creating a caring and nurturing environment for your child

Enroll your child to become a part of the PCDC family
Rate Sheet
Download and print our current rate sheet.
Registration Forms
Download and print our Registration Form and our Child Care Enrollment Form.
Health & Emergency Forms
Download and print our Health History & Emergency Care Plan form and our Immunization Form.